Dramatis Personae
Discover the captivating ensemble of The Shadows of the Monolith series as we unveil the cast of characters who inhabit this divided and perilous world. Meet The Amber Menhir‘s three young protagonists, neophyte scholars known as ‘Ascendants’, and become acquainted with the compelling side characters who help breathe life into the spellbinding story. Discover their histories, motivations, and the roles they play in this engrossing and unfolding saga.
The Amber Menhir
The Ascendants
Supporting Characters
Wrought from the thaumaturgical crossing of domestic felids and wild cats, each Noble Faction within the menhirs has bred a special line of companion mau. Forever fickle and capricious, new arrivals at the Amber Menhir learn even mau hold positions higher their own. The animals are better avoided.
Character sketches produced by Amanda Banker